DfE school performance tables
The link below will take you directly to the DfE school performance tables website:
Data 2024
School GLD |
National GLD |
2024 |
73% |
68% |
Year 1 School |
Year 1 National |
Year 2 |
2024 |
87% |
80% |
75% |
Reading Expected |
Reading GD |
Writing Expected |
Writing GD |
GPS Expected |
Maths Expected |
Maths GD |
Combined expected |
Combined GD |
100% |
38% |
75% |
9% |
97% |
40% |
91% |
44% |
75% |
9% |
74% |
28% |
72% |
12% |
72% |
31% |
73% |
23% |
61% |
7% |
There is no progress data for the 2023/2024 academic year due to COVID 19.
Data 2023
2023 |
80% (67%) |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
2023 |
90% (80%) |
100% |
Key Stage 1
Reading Expected |
Reading GD |
Writing Expected |
Writing GD |
Maths Expected |
Maths GD |
Combined Expected |
Combined GD |
2023 |
80% (68%) |
20% (18%) |
73% (59%) |
7% (8%) |
80% (70%) |
30% (16%) |
67% (55%) |
3% |
Key Stage 2
Reading Expected |
Reading GD |
Writing Expected |
Writing GD |
GPS Expected |
Maths Expected |
Maths GD |
Combined Expected |
Combined GD |
2023 |
83% (73) |
43% |
90% (71) |
23% |
97% (72%) |
40% |
97% (73%) |
37% |
83% (59%) |
27% |
Provisional national scores for 2023 are in brackets.
The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
KS1 Standards 2019 |
National |
School |
Gap |
City |
School |
Gap |
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics (RWM) |
65 |
71 |
+6 |
59.7 |
71 |
+11.3 |
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading |
75 |
83.9 |
+8.9 |
69.7 |
83.9 |
+14.6 |
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in writing |
69.3 |
80.6 |
+11.3 |
64.1 |
80.6 |
+16.5 |
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in mathematics |
75.7 |
80.6 |
+4.9 |
71 |
80.6 |
+9.6 |
Year 1 Phonics Check
93 % of our Year 1 children achieved the expected standard.
The Local Authority average was 78%.
The National average was 82%.
70% of children left Reception with a Good Level of Development
The Local Authority average was 65%.
The national figure is currently unavailable.